Man preparing sliding glass doors for a storm.

Ways to stay safe during a severe storm or wind event


Severe weather safety tips

在飓风和龙卷风等恶劣天气事件中, 风速可以达到每小时100英里以上. High winds of any speed, however, can damage homes and property, 还会造成飞溅的碎片和碎玻璃,造成潜在的伤害. 适当的计划可以帮助你的家人在恶劣天气来袭时免受伤害和不便. 制定一个备灾计划,让你的家人做好准备, 包括一个灾难救生包和一个紧急疏散计划.

Stay informed

  • Listen and watch for weather updates and advisories. 获取最新信息是在任何天气紧急情况下保持安全的重要组成部分. Tune in to a NOAA Weather Radio,电池供电的收音机或手机更新和移动警报.
  • Wind advisory. 强风预报意味着预计持续风速超过每小时25英里.
  • Take warnings seriously. Thunderstorm, 龙卷风和飓风警报应该非常重视, 因为它们意味着恶劣天气已经被发现并且正在到来.

Find shelter during severe weather

  • Take shelter in a safe location. 搬到你家中间或地下室,远离窗户和玻璃门. 尽量躲在楼梯或较重的家具下面.
  • Evacuate manufactured homes. Do not stay in a manufactured home during severe winds. They are easily overturned by high winds, 飞行的碎片会刺穿它们的车架和外壳.
  • Consider building a safe room. If you live in an area prone to severe winds, you may want to build a safe room in your home. 安全屋是你家的一个区域,它已经加固,可以防止碎玻璃和飞溅的碎片. 一个有经验的承包商可以建造一个有加固屋顶的安全屋, walls and ceilings in a new or existing home.
  • Bring a disaster kit. Wherever you seek shelter, remember to bring your family disaster kit with you.


  • Vehicles. Garage or store vehicles you plan to leave behind. 如果你没有车库,把它们移到地势较高的地方,以防洪水.
  • Surroundings. Place garbage cans, patio furniture, 家里或车库里的烤架和其他可能被风传播的物体.
  • Board your residence up. 用百叶窗或胶合板封住窗户和玻璃门,以尽量减少碎玻璃造成的损害, in case of high winds.
  • Secure and shut off your outdoor pool. 关闭室外游泳池的断路器,并拆卸电机以防止损坏.
  • Prepare for a loss of power.
    • Consider a generator for backup power. An emergency backup generator, whether a home standby or portable, 在停电期间(可能需要几天甚至几个月才能恢复供电),是否可以帮助一些电器保持运行.
    • Keep flashlight and batteries on hand.
  • Weather advisories. Monitor the radio for weather updates. 如果您被指示撤离,请按照当地当局的指示前往避难所,并:
    • Lock doors and windows before you go.
    • 带上你的救生包和其他用品,包括药物、身份证件和现金. 此外,确保你有足够的供应长时间. 有关您的工具包应包括的有用列表,请访问 American Red Cross.
    • Let friends and relatives know where you plan to be.
    • 给你的汽车加满油或者给你的汽车电池充电.
    • 避免在流动溪流和洪水泛滥地区附近旅行.

    如果没有时间去避难所,如果你有安全的房间,就撤退到安全的房间. Otherwise, stay in the middle of your home or basement, away from windows, 尽量躲在楼梯或较重的家具下面.

    Other resources

  • Institute for Business and Home Safety
  • Federal Alliance for Safe Homes
  • American Red Cross
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency

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If you determine your home sustained damage, to protect your property from further damage or loss, 确保进行合理和必要的临时维修. 做好维修费用的准确记录和损坏照片. 如果你有pp王者电子官网损失,这些修理可以由州立农场报销.

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